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3 Steps to Maximising Sales During the Christmas Rush

The Christmas period can have a big impact on sales. Being prepared can help you have the right stock on hand and maximise those sales results.

For many retailers and wholesale distributions, the Christmas period can have a big impact on sales. being prepared can help you have the right stock on hand and maximize those sales results.

JCurve Solutions CEO, Stephen Canning, talked recently with The Australian Retailer about the top 3 areas businesses should consider, to make the most of the busy period.

1. Having the Right Reporting in Place.
– Getting your reporting set up and automated can keep you informed about stock fluctuations, let you see clearly which products are performing well and which may          need an extra post-Christmas promotion to get them out the door
2. Inventory and Order Management
– Streamlining and automating your processes can help you improve stock turn, reduce operational bottleneck and help you ensure you have the right stock on hand           when you need it.
3. Marketing and Web Presence
– Providing good product information with images and reviews can draw customers attention. Present a consistent brand identity both online and offline to create a           memorable  experience look for ways to integrate your channels – such as offering online ordering with in-store pickup and return facilities.

Get further tips and ideas from our blog article on maximising sales this Christmas.

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