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ERP Implementation: Plan Your Success in 7 Steps

When you're considering implementing a new ERP system, a plan is crucial to maximise the benefits of ERP and see ROI faster. See the 7 steps to success.

Updated on January 2, 2024

When you’re considering implementing a new ERP system in the Philippines, having a plan is crucial to maximise the benefits and see ROI faster. Follow these 7 steps for a successful ERP implementation.

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1. Know What You Want to Achieve

Identify the inefficiencies and recurring issues in your current processes. Discuss with your staff and ERP solution provider about the quick wins and long-term improvements you want to achieve with the new ERP system.

2. Set the Expectations


Communicate clearly with your team about the expectations of the ERP project. Establish responsibilities and ensure everyone knows their role in the implementation process. This helps in building enthusiasm and clarifying goals.

3. Enlist the Right Expertise

It’s vital to have experienced professionals managing the ERP implementation. An ERP solution provider like Jcurve can bring the necessary skills and experience to ensure a smooth and effective implementation.

4. Avoid Cutting Corners

Investing the necessary time and resources into the implementation process is crucial. Cutting corners can lead to issues down the line. Focus on thorough implementation to achieve long-term benefits.

5. Choose the Right Solution for Your Business Needs


Evaluate ERP systems based on your specific business requirements. Look for proof of success in similar businesses and ensure the ERP system can handle your unique processes.

6. Review and Fix Existing Data

Decide what data to bring into the new ERP system. Clean up existing data to ensure accuracy. This includes resolving negative stock, ledger out-of-balances, and merging duplicate customer records.

7. Get Your Team On-Board with the Changes Ahead


Involve your staff early in the process and ensure they are comfortable with the upcoming changes. Provide training and appoint “super users” to assist others. Ensure there is ongoing support from your ERP solution provider.

A Little Planning Goes a Long Way

Careful planning can prevent implementation failure and ensure a successful ERP rollout. Speak with an experienced ERP solution provider about planning for a successful implementation. The sooner you start, the sooner you can leverage improved processes for stronger business performance.

The Next Step

Contact Jcurve Solutions for expert guidance on ERP implementation. Start the conversation to leverage improved processes and drive business profitability in the Philippines.

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