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Warehouse management tips to boost efficiency & reduce warehouse costs

Creating a high-performing, low-cost warehouse is crucial for wholesale distribution businesses in New Zealand. Here are expert tips to help you streamline operations and reduce costs:

1. Start with reporting

Accurate reporting is the first step. Use a cloud ERP system to get a snapshot of your warehouse costs and performance. Re-run reports after implementing improvements to measure progress.

2. Overstocking can be overwhelming

Overstocking is a common issue. Implement a system that shows real-time stock positions and offers reproducible reporting for better inventory management. Understand which items are fast-moving and which are slow-moving to adjust pricing accordingly.

3. Forecast ahead

Use demand forecasting to predict sales fluctuations and adjust re-ordering processes accordingly. This helps manage inventory during peak times like Christmas or promotional periods.

4. Re-Order automation

Automating re-ordering reduces administrative time, minimises human error, and maximises stock efficiency. Set minimum quantity and re-order points to automate purchasing.

5. Consolidate shipping

Reduce shipping costs by consolidating shipments. Discuss options with suppliers to minimise multiple shipment charges.

6. Step up your stock locations

Improve efficiency by moving high-frequency stock closer to pick-and-pack areas. Group frequently bought items together to reduce staff travel time within the warehouse

7. Fix your receipting

Ensure warehouse staff can easily look up purchase orders and confirm received goods before adding them to inventory to avoid errors.

8. Embrace eCommerce

A robust eCommerce platform enhances customer experience and reduces admin time. Customers can manage their orders and track status in real-time, freeing up your staff for other tasks.

Summary: with smarter warehouse management, you can reduce warehouse costs

Smarter warehouse management in New Zealand starts with the right software, providing necessary data and insights. Jcurve Solutions offers consultancy to help reduce costs, increase profits, and grow your business. Contact a Jcurve consultant to evaluate and improve your current systems.

For more detailed information and additional tips, visit Jcurve Solutions.

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