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The Pros and Cons of Becoming a Listed Company

Quick points for business owners when considering becoming a publicly listed company include: - Winning credibility - Risk of takeover - Structural burden

For business owners who are considering becoming a publicly listed company, it can pay to hear some advice from others who have gone down that road. JCurve Solutions, CEO, Stephen Canning, spoke with Startup Smart about this recently. “Being listed adds a lot of credibility with prospective customers, employees and suppliers”. Businesses of all sizes need to consider their goals and the best solution to get there. Stephen continued, “You need to understand what your true vision is and what your strategic goals are. Does listing at some point fit in with that?”

Some of the quick points to consider include:

1. Winning credibility, press, powerful friends and talent
2. The risk of takeover
3. The structural burden
4. The real costs of bureaucracy

For all the insights, head over to the full article.

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